What are the Most Common Foot and Ankle Injuries for Runners?

When running, foot and ankle injuries are common. Foot and ankle injuries are most prevalent in runners training for long distance races such as the marathon or half-marathon.

The foot is made up of many bones, joints and ligaments which allow one to run smoothly. The foot works much like a lever; as your foot hits the ground your foot works to absorb the impact, and as your foot leaves the ground it pushes backward. This motion is called pronation. In some cases of foot problems there is not enough pronation during running which can cause compensations to happen in other parts of the foot or ankle. When this happens, injuries can occur throughout the foot and ankle complex.

The foot is made up of many bones, joints and ligaments which allow one to run smoothly. The foot works much like a lever; as your foot hits the ground your foot works to absorb the impact, and as your foot leaves the ground it pushes backward. This motion is called pronation. In some cases of foot problems there is not enough pronation during running which can cause compensations to happen in other parts of the foot or ankle. When this happens, injuries can occur throughout the foot and ankle complex.

Some of the most common foot and ankle injuries include plantar fasciitis, foot sprains, achilles tendonitis and stress fractures.

Plantar Fasciitis occurs when the band of tissue that runs across the foot becomes inflamed due to overuse. This leads to pain in the bottom of the foot near where the arch begins when standing or taking a first step out of bed in the morning. Plantar fasciitis pain typically occurs when you get out of bed after a long period of inactivity during the night.

Foot Sprains are most commonly caused by falling or stepping on an uneven surface, and can occur at any time but are most common for runners during training. A foot sprain occurs when one of the ligaments that is in your foot becomes stretched or torn.

Achilles Tendonitis is an inflammation of the achilles tendon which causes pain and swelling at the back of the foot, near where the calf muscle attaches. Achilles tendonitis can be caused by overuse and foot pronation.

Stress Fractures of the foot or ankle occur when a crack in one of the foot bones causes pain and swelling, these usually occur at a point where there is high impact during running. Stress fractures are common for runners, especially with increased mileage and training.

These injuries can be prevented by wearing proper supportive shoes, slowly increasing mileage while being conscious of foot pain, and by icing the foot or ankle after activity.

Our professional Podiatrists at Southwest Foot and Ankle Center in Plano, DeSoto, Fort Worth, Lewisville and Irving are here to treat any injury you may have while running. Call us today to schedule an appointment 972-805-9985

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