corns and callusesCorns and calluses are not only unsightly, they can be downright painful as well. While you will usually see corns on the tops and sides of your toes, a callus can develop anywhere the skin of your foot is exposed to friction. Thankfully, though, there are some things you can do to keep from having to deal with this frustrating problem.

How to Tell if You are Developing Corns and Calluses

One of the obvious signs of corns and calluses is a thick, rough patch of skin on your foot. While they are similar in many respects, they also have different characteristics. For example, calluses usually form either on the ball of your foot or underneath the heel, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Corns are usually painful to the touch and have a hard center surrounded by raised bumps. You will usually find them in the areas of your foot that do not bear weight.

Preventing the Problem

The most important – and easiest – thing you can do to prevent corns and calluses is to simply buy shoes that fit correctly. The best time to shop for them is at the end of the day, because that is when most people’s feet are swollen the most. If you try on a pair of shoes and you are unable to move your toes, that is a good indication they are too tight. Also, keep your shoes in good shape. If the soles become worn, you may be at risk of corns and calluses because of the friction on your skin caused by walking on a hard surface.


There are over-the-counter medications that can remove corns and calluses, but in some instances you will need to see a doctor to have them removed. If you have diabetes or a blood circulation issue, trying to treat this issue on your own could be dangerous.

Contact Southwest Foot and Ankle Center

Visit the experts with Southwest Foot and Ankle Center for the most effective treatment to remove corns and calluses. Contact us online or call us at 972-318-2738 in Lewisville, 972-805-9985 in Plano or 972-318-2655 in Irving to schedule an appointment.

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