causes of diabetic leg painThere are several causes of diabetic leg pain, an extremely frustrating condition that can, in some instances, be debilitating. It is very important that you see a doctor as soon as possible if you are experiencing symptoms such as tiredness, discomfort or cramping in your legs, because that could be a sign of a serious problem. If left untreated, you may even be at risk of amputation.

Peripheral Arterial Disease

One of the most common causes of diabetic leg pain is peripheral arterial disease, or PAD. This occurs when the arteries in the feet and legs become obstructed due to plaque, or fatty deposits. This leads to either a significantly reduced – or even completely blocked – flow of blood. People who have diabetes are at a higher risk for PAD than others.

While pain is an obvious symptom of PAD, another is a sore on the foot or leg that does not heal as quickly as normal – or fails to heal at all. You may also notice your feet are colder than usual due to a lack of blood flow. Other signs include changes of color in the feet, a decrease of hair growth on the legs or toes, or a lack of nail growth.


Another serious complication of diabetes is peripheral neuropathy, or nerve damage in the extremities. This can lead to a lack of sensation in the legs and feet, but it can still be painful despite the reduced amount of feeling you may experience. This is a very dangerous condition, because you may not notice a minor injury to your foot such as a small cut. As a result, you may be at a much higher risk for a potentially severe infection.

Please contact the experts with Southwest Foot & Ankle if you would like to learn more about the causes of diabetic leg pain or schedule an appointment. Give us a call at 972-318-2738 in Lewisville, 972-805-9985 Plano or 972-318-2655 in Irving, or contact us online.

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